Candidate Sourcing

Only the best
We use all the job boards that you'd expect us to, ensuring that we advertise our jobs to all the "active" job seekers - candidates we define as "on" the market.
We also continue to invest in our market leading research team in order to attract the very best "passive" or "non-active" candidates.
You can be assured that Macildowie are in touch with the very best candidates that are "in", not just "on" the market. Our research team is made up of a group of highly skilled resourcers who are constantly searching for the most talented people in the marketplace. They use their wide network of key contacts, industry-specific knowledge and optimise the use of highly effective social media networking tools such as Linkedin.

Only the best
We use all the job boards that you'd expect us to, ensuring that we advertise our jobs to all the "active" job seekers - candidates we define as "on" the market.
We also continue to invest in our market leading research team in order to attract the very best "passive" or "non-active" candidates.
Our research team is made up of a group of highly skilled resourcers who are constantly searching for the most talented people in the marketplace. By using their wide network of key contacts, industry-specific knowledge and highly effective social media networking tools such as Linkedin, you can be assured that Macildowie are in touch with the very best candidates that are "in", not just "on" the market.
Macildowie had a great pool of candidates and filtered the CV’s effectively which, for me, took out the hard work of finding the correct individuals.
Our experience was different from other recruiters we’ve used. Macildowie tend to screen candidates and only send those suitable
Delighted with the service Macildowie have provided, placing two fantastic candidates into my team in a tough candidate market…exactly what I needed. Thank you!
My favourite thing about Macildowie was the bespoke targeted service. I was surprised by the speed with which we got a strong shortlist of candidates.
What surprised me most was the speed at which candidates were sourced and that all candidates submitted for initial screen were of the right calibre to interview
The candidates who joined us felt really well informed about the process and said how honest & open Macildowie were to work with.

Using our specialist research team.
Our research team can be used in the following ways:

Reach Non-Active Candidates
In conjunction with offering you your own dedicated section on our new website to promote your vacancies, through innovative email software and use of social media tools we are able to market your vacancies to candidates within the correct demographic, who match your criteria, but who aren't actively looking for a job.

Talent Pipelining

Head-Hunting & Market Mapping
Using our valuable research team.
Our research team can be used in the following ways: