Macildowie’s Non-Exec Directors recruitment
Our executive search team are constantly engaging with people who are either ex-execs who have moved into a portfolio career or execs who are either aspiring or new NEDs. Consequently, we have a large and growing network of NEDs from a wide range of backgrounds all keen to add value to a business in a non-executive capacity.
The process we follow for helping businesses recruit a NED follows the same rigorous structure as our executive recruitment, giving you peace of mind that you will get the value you need from your new NED.

Our NED Network
We often get asked “what is the best way to get a non-executive role?”. The answer is always “network, network, network”. There are no real shortcuts to this as well over 90% of NED roles are placed via referral, own networks and word of mouth. Consequently, aspiring NEDs need to work hard to raise their professional in-person and online visibility to optimise their chances of developing their portfolios.
It is for this reason that in 2020 we founded our very own invite-only NED Network as we had so much interest from existing and aspiring NEDs for a way in which to network. Unlike other platforms who charge an annual fee, the Macildowie NED Network is free. In it, we share any NED opportunities that come to the open market, market insights and details of any events that might be useful for existing or aspiring NEDs to attend either from a networking or skills-development perspective.
On the subject of events, we meet on a quarterly basis online to network. It is a confidential, “high trust” peer group environment in which our members can talk openly about challenges and opportunities they face and seek guidance on anything ‘top of mind’. All of this with a view to helping people acquire and expand portfolio roles.

Need to recruit a NED?
It might initially seem easy to find a NED from the open market, but it can be trickier than you think. The first challenge is to be able to succinctly articulate the value you want them to deliver. Whether it is Board effectiveness, governance/oversight challenges, access to a wider network, stress-testing your vision, mission or strategy - whatever it is, you need to be able to define it in detail.

Our Difference.
Why partner with Macildowie to recruit your NEDs?
It can be hard to find a NED with the essential qualities and value-creation skills you need, so it helps to know recruiters who can do this for you effectively. Typically that means they are two things: well-networked with NEDs and knowledgeable of your requirements.
Firstly, the fact we run our own NED Network should give you confidence we are an efficient partner as we are always expanding our reach within the NED talent pool.
Secondly, we understand how important it is to find the right candidate, especially in a role with so much influence. We know they need to deliver value so we will take the time to fully understand your requirements, your Board and business culture and the deliverables so that we find someone with shared values and value-driven approach to their NED responsibilities.

How it Works

You have value you need a NED to create
We are guessing this is why you are reading this. You already know what that is - and that’s the best first step.

Articulate that requirement to us