Talent Pipeline Development
There are many reasons your organisation might be looking to hire talent, from company growth to employee leaving it happens a lot. However, you shouldn’t wait for something to happen before you search for new talent, you need to have a talent pipeline.
What is it?
Simply put, a candidate pipeline is a group of talent your company wants to hire. This means your company would be ready with the very best of candidates for when a position comes up, you won’t have to start the search again every time a vacancy comes up. However, a candidate pipeline still requires work, you need a solid framework in place to find the right candidates. This framework will be formed specifically for your company, based on your needs and goals.
The Benefits
Putting in the work to develop a strong talent pipeline has many benefits for your company
Making candidate's experience better
Creating a talent pipeline is a proactive approach, as you will be tailoring candidates in order to get them job-ready. This places a bigger emphasis on focusing on the candidates, this is all about them and should be done at their pace. This should give them a better experience, something which will be of great benefit when they eventually join your organisation.
Your company will hire the best talent
When you’ve only got 30 days or a few weeks to hire someone, you’ll run the risk of rushing and not making the best decision. This framework means you can have more time to think and plan, allowing you to hire the best talent rather than just the talent available.
You will be able to hire quickly
It can be tricky to hire someone quickly, but if your candidate pipeline strategy is working well you will be able to hire someone who is perfect for the role, in a timely manner.
How Can I Make This Framework?
Work out what your organisation wants in the future
In order to have a successful framework, you need to work out what direction your company will head in the future. Focus on the growth of the organisation and how jobs might need to be filled because of this. Ask yourself ‘what if’, your framework should be ready for any hires that your company might need. Take the time to think thoroughly, and even talk to other departments to get a full picture.
Have a plan to get your pipeline full
After working out what you need, the pipeline needs to be filled. This will take place over time and is a gradual process where you need to be searching. This candidate sourcing can be done through a range of means, including referrals, social platforms, events and databases. Use what works best for you.
Connect with talent
Once you’ve found the talent you’d like it’s time to connect with them and start building a relationship. Get to know them and see what they want in the future.
Evaluate the pipeline
Once your talent pipeline is growing you need to assess it against what your company wants, anything from your culture to their personal goals will be relevant.
Look after the talent
After the framework is full, you need to look after candidates and further build on the relationships, but don’t annoy them. It’s a delicate balance.
Work on support and training
Once you’ve hired from your pipeline it’s important to look after this talent by giving them support and training when necessary. These programs will continue to look after them and make them the very best that they can be. This step is vital to retain the talent you’ve worked so hard on getting.
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The Key Parts
Candidate pipeline development is a modern process of finding your organisation the best talent. Whilst it might seem like a lot of work, it’ll pay off in the long run as you’re company will be filled with stronger talent, ones who will transform your business and make it grow.