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Leadership Team Insights Discovery

Completely align your top team

Team alignment

Now, more than ever before, businesses need a completely aligned top team, a team that has the ability to harness the strengths and collective intelligence of its Leadership Community to enable optimal organisational performance.

Macildowie are huge fans of Insights Discovery and are delighted to bring a new service offering to our award winning customer value proposition in the form of the world renowned Insights Discovery Leadership Suite.

The aim of this offering is to help our clients to:
  • Inspire their teams and employees to excel in challenging times.
  • Create a laser-focused, highly motivated and engaged team.
  • To understand, that diversity brings balance and enables better decision making.
  • Adapt their individual and personal styles to achieve impact.
  • To understand the communication preferences of key stakeholders in order to influence positive outcomes and cut through bureaucracy.

Find out more

In the New World of Work, your Leadership Team will be watched closely. Their behaviour and decision making scrutinised more closely than ever before. If you would like your Leadership Team to be “New World Ready” then please get in touch today by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Insights 'Light': Developing emotional intelligence and social awareness

Insights aren't just limited to the leadership team. Pressure and strains are being felt across the entire workforce. As we move from a world of home working to hybrid working, we are entering a different stage of employee-employer relationships.

We believe 'culture eats strategy for breakfast' - Investing in your employees' ongoing L&D will allow your entire organisation to prepare and align culturally. Our Insights 'Light' session focuses on developing emotional intelligence and social awareness, so-called 'soft skills', which are essential to working together and planning effectively

To find out more about either Leadership Insights or Insights 'Light', please complete the form below and we will contact you to discuss the sessions in more depth.

As our mindset shifts from the worst of the pandemic and away from working from home toward hybrid working, so leaders need to gear up their own employee's mindsets to the New World of Working.

The first step is to involve staff in a workshop which will help them to understand the changing needs of their own colleagues and customers so they can deliver effectively.

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