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Candidate Onboarding

Create your own 'Rock Star' On-Boarding Process with support from our consultancy or tech offerings or both.

Onboarding has evolved with digital transformation

Onboarding and Re-Onboarding is one of the hottest topics in the world of recruitment right now.

Businesses have still been recruiting during the lockdown, and onboarding candidates has therefore had to be done remotely, virtually over Zoom, Teams etc. Some have done this well, some badly. All have had to develop their processes overnight.

In a world moving towards hybrid working as the norm this is a critical part of any organisation's People Strategy.  Macildowie is well placed to support with both advice and tech. 

Millions of furloughees and home-workers need re-onboarding

There is a massive challenge with how to re-onboard furloughees, in order to ensure that the people who are returning to work can hit the ground running safely. This is something that needs doing at scale, yet in a personal way, with the backdrop of a decade worth of digital change happening in just 12 months.

It also has to be done sensitively at a time when employees are re-assessing their lives and career choices creating a predicted mass retention problem for employers.

As new work norms evolve, businesses are realising they need a comprehensive solution bringing together communications, collaboration and business processes. For new and returning staff there is more new stuff to learn than ever before. Onboarding and re-onboarding must be systemised, digitised, performed at scale, be consistent for everyone and deliver an experience whereby employees feel cared for.

Onboarding Solution Benefits

Macildowie has been working with a software solutions partner to bring a very exciting addition to an already award-winning Customer Value Proposition that will allow you to create your own “Rock Star” onboarding experience for your people.

Whilst being an innovative new onboarding solution it also offers the additional benefits:

Fully GDPR compliant, One stop shop HR and culture solution

World class internal communications strategy

Standard platform to use immediately, and then evolve and bespoke your own E-Learning system

Innovative Performance Management Framework including 9-Box grid functionality

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